Alcune foto delle centinaia che ho fatto da quando ho cominciato il corso di fotografia "Photographers' Workshop" di Karen Russell, una bravissima fotografa, un'insegnante coi fiocchi ed una gran bella persona! Il corso è online e dura 9 settimane.
Mi ha davvero aperto gli occhi al mondo della fotografia. Ho tantissimissimo ancora da imparare ma sono già contenta dei risultati ottenuti.
Some practice photos from out of hundreds and hundreds that I've shot during "Photographers' Workshop" held by Karen Russell, a very talented photographer, an eccellent instructor and one heck of a person! It's a 9 week online class. It has really opened my eyes to the world of photography. I've yet lots and lots to learn but I'm satisfied of the results so far.
Mi ha davvero aperto gli occhi al mondo della fotografia. Ho tantissimissimo ancora da imparare ma sono già contenta dei risultati ottenuti.
Some practice photos from out of hundreds and hundreds that I've shot during "Photographers' Workshop" held by Karen Russell, a very talented photographer, an eccellent instructor and one heck of a person! It's a 9 week online class. It has really opened my eyes to the world of photography. I've yet lots and lots to learn but I'm satisfied of the results so far.
practicing custom settings for image quality
custom white balance, exposure compensation
playing around with the settings
practicing custom image quality settings
focus, exposure compensation, composition, catchlights, sidelighting