Eh già, tutte le cose belle finiscono ma di questa crociera conserverò un ricordo indelebile.
Troppe cose belle, le compagne di viaggio, la nave bellissima, i porti ed escursioni superlativi e poi che dire di Tim e di Wendy e i loro corsi. Tutto organizzato magnificamente da loro, dai loro assistenti Michele, Keychain, Rick e Mario che merita una menzione a parte per essere di una gentilezza unica e per aver alleggerito il mio portafogli tentandomi con tutto il ben di Dio che c'era al Marketplace e a cui non ho saputo resistere, e naturalmente da ScrapMap con Jim, Jaci e Jan.
Siamo tornate a casa lunedì sera e per 2 giorni oltre a sentire il fuso, la terra ha continuato a dondolare sotto i miei piedi. Non ho sofferto il mal di mare ma ammetto di aver sentito parecchio il rollìo quando siamo stati costretti a cambiare rotta martedì per la tempesta tropicale Patricia.
Le cose da raccontare e le foto da far vedere sono talmente tante che dovrò fare più post. Queste sono le foto della partenza da Roma, con l'aereo che ha avuto già 2 ore di ritardo, dell'arrivo a LA e della nave, Mariner of the Seas di Royal Caribbean.
All the beautiful things have to come to an end but I will cherish this cruise for the rest of my life.
So many beautiful things from my magnificent travel mates to the beautiful ship, from the ports of call and fantastic excursions to the wonderful classes with Tim and Wendy. Everything was superbly organized and my thanks go to these talented teachers and their assistants Michele, Keychain, Rick and Mario who deserves a special mention of being one of the kindest men I've ever met - and for having lighten my wallet with all those magnificent products available at the Marketplace! The whole cruise was organized with the usual efficiency by ScrapMap with Jim, Jaci and Jan.
We got back home late Monday night and on top of suffering from jet lag I felt the earth sway under my feet for 2 days. Fortunately I wasn't seasick but admit I felt the swaying of the ship on Tuesday due to the effects of the tropical storm Patricia.
I have too many things to tell and too many pictures to show so I will do it in several posts starting with the pictures of the departure from Rome, arrival in LA and the ship, The Mariner of the Seas of Royal Caribbean.
Martha, Giulia, me, Valentina, my daughter and Maria Chiara at the Fiumicino airport ready to fly!
Valentina, Elina the Greek who flew with us the last leg from London to Los Angeles. She was also my roomie, then Giulia, Martha and Maria Chiara.
I think Martha's face expresses how we all felt before embarking the ship.
Before we could see this poster there was a moment of panic when I couldn't find my passport at
the check-in and had to run back to the porters who had taken the
luggage. I can't tell you how happy I was when I found the missing
document in my suitcase.
Every day they changed the day on the floor of all the elevators. At first we laughed but at midweek we were quite happy to check what day it was because you really lose the cognition of time on the cruise.
Our dining room. We were at the late seating and had the worst waiter ever °_° But we didn't care but ate and had fun and wrote everything on the survey :)
Carved fruit at the Windjammer to welcome us on board the first day.
Some of the signs on the Royal Promenade to lead you to the right direction. The ship is huge!
Royal Promenade on Deck 5 with its stores, pubs, cafés and exhibitions of all sorts. We are leaving for the excursion in Cabo San Lucas hence the sundresses.
Stay tuned...