If you don't know Nathalie Kalbach, you've missed out on some fabulous talent and a great personality. She is a riot to be with. Why am I talking about Nathalie? Because I get to see her in a couple of weeks' time in Athens!!!! My best Greek friend Elina has organized a fabulous event (Google translation because it's all Greek to me!) where she invited Nat and I'm going! Did you have any doubts? LOL
Here you can read all about the workshops Nat will be teaching and these are the logos.
I met Nat at Pacs Paris last November and took all her 3 workshops filled with new techniques (for me) and luscious products. At the time I didn't have time to photograph the projects I made - I even finished two of them right then and there - but here they are in all their glory.
Two canvases and one layout. Even though that was a sad and difficult period for me, I chose, maybe unconsciously, bright and spring-y colors which reflect my usual state of mind which is pretty optimistic.
One more thing: I was featured in Nat's monthly newsletter Scrapbook-Trends (March issue) to which you can subscribe on her website.