I've been contemplating for quite awhile now (let's say like a year or so) to start an art journal but either had too much to do, too little time, not enough confidence or lacked the inspiration until yesterday when I finally took the plunge! I took 10 sheets of my watercolor paper pad (23cm x 30,5cm or 9" x 12"), folded them in half and sewed in the center with my trustworthy Doris and started PLAYING. I enjoyed the process immensely and finished around 2 am!
I misted and inked, painted and stamped, doodled and used oil pastels, glued book pages and added rub-ons and I am truly happy how it turned out.
Here it is in all its splendor ;)
l loved making it so much that I made another page today!
During this last year I have been inspired by many artists starting with Donna Downey (I've done workshops with her and have been following her Inspiration Wednesday for quite some time), Claudine Hellmuth (did an online workshop with her and got through to like half of the lessons and then life happened and I haven't been able to finish it like so many other online workshops I've taken... shame on you, Helena!), Dina Wakley with whom I've never done any workshops but she's on my "next to have a workshop with" -list, Nathalie Kalbach with whom I've done workshops and from whom I've learned a lot as far as mixed media goes, and last but not least Julie Fei-Fan Balzer. I have to say that she's the one who really made me gain confidence and courage to start an art journal. I'm presently also doing her It's Sew Easy online workshop which is awesome - no need to say that I'm falling behind also on that one but thank god it's a self-pace class so I can finish my projects whenever... well in the next year that is... I hope......*insert rolling eyes and whistling here*