We'd like to thank everyone who responded to our design team call. We had almost 60 applicants! There were so many talented and inspiring members applying, and we wish we could've taken everyone, but after a thorough investigation, we have narrowed down the list.
We are thrilled to announce the latest additions to our design team of CSI Detectives, along with the returning Detectives. These ladies (plus one man) are all incredibly talented and inspiring, and each of them will add a beautiful flavor to our already wonderfully diverse team.
Please help us welcome our new CSI Detectives (their term will begin with the first November reveal):
Aida Domisiewicz (Ayeeda) - Poland
Beth Ervin - United States
Debbie Standard - United States
Helen Wallace - Australia
Jasmine Shea - Australia
Jeanette Lee - Singapore
Lindy Gillespie - Australia
Lou Collins - United Kingdom
Maria Schmidt - Austria
Riikka Kovasin - FInland
Sascha Schmidt - Austria
Yumi Takasaki - Japan
Zaneta Glowa (Zanka) - Sweden
And here are our returning Detectives:
Adrienne Ford - United States
Anna-Karin Evaldsson - South Africa
Annette Gearside - Australia
Brit Sviggum - Norway
Debbi Tehrani- United States
Eila Sandberg - Sweden
Heather Jacob - Australia
Helena Virpi - Italy (that's ME!!!!)
Maiko Kosugi - Japan
Michele Singh - United States
Shaunery Wharton - United States
Sylvia Mellander Ekman - Sweden
Tina Walker - United States
Here is this week's challenge