I'm finally done with Tim's Tags! It was a fun adventure, I learned so much... also about my frustration when I didn't have the right supplies but I learned also to make do with what I had. And I'm sooo happy I finished them all! I've been known to leave projects at halfway... *blush*
Here's Tim's #3 and this is mine. Had a fair amount of difficulties but loved the alcohol ink technique. I do own glossy cardstock, I know, I bought it last spring, but for the life of me I couldn't find it so I had to use glossy photopaper. It didn't get sticky like Tim warned, but I had some bleeding when I tried to enhance Santa Claus's beard with white dabber and the red alcohol ink changed it to pink °_°
This is Tim's Tag #4 and here's mine. This one I like a lot. I didn't have all the things needed like the memory glass! When I bought the memory frames and the memory capsules I kinda forgot that I was supposed to buy also the memory glass, duh. But I cut a piece of thick cardboard and put it in the frame.
This is Tim's #8 and this is mine. Here too I had to improvise but the tag turned out ok at the end. My lamp post is so tiny that the key would have been too big so I hung a little ceramic angel ornament from a clock instead.
Here is a picture of all my 12 Tags of 2009.
Wow, now that all these tags are done, I can finally concentrate on other things like work... and some layouts...
Here are still a couple more pics of our Christmas.
This is the hazelnut cake with frosting, our chocolate frosting didn't turn out so we made a white sugar frosting instead. The cake was yummy!!
Picture of me (one of the few ones because I'm always behind the camera) taken by Andrea. I just love it with the soft lights of the candles and with the tree on the background.
On Boxing Day evening Franco, Andrea and I went to see A Christmas Carol. It was really funny!
So now that Christmas is over we can start waiting for New Year :)
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